Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion
Deutsch English

Technical Dictionary

Information on the Technical Glossary

Concept of the Paper Version

The paper version of the glossary consists of two main parts.

The first part presents the terms synoptically alongside each other in each of the four languages. Each entry has been numbered, and the lines are shown with increasing numeration.

The second part contains the entries for all four languages but ordered in turn by a register for one of the languages. Here the terms are arranged alphabetically, whereby the number allocated to each term refers to the synoptic representation.

If one needs the translation of a particular term one first looks for the corresponding number in the respective language and then turns to the synoptic representation, in order to see the translation for each of the other three languages, possibly in some cases to compare the entries.


This dictionary was developed at the Institute of Structural Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and the Technical Institut of Lugano (STS).

Delivery and price

The price of the dictionary in paper form is sFr.30.- mailing and VAT excluded. It may be ordered at the following address:

ETH Zürich
Lucia Keller
Institute of Structural Engineering IBK
HIL E 33.2
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland

Phone: +41 44 633 31 38
Fax: +41 44 633 10 64


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